Dove Mango & Almond Butter Body Wash
Studio Resonate of SXM Media was interviewed on the Sound In Marketing Podcast. The episode explored their 2020 sensory marketing campaign. Dove wanted to explore a more sensorial experience for their Dove Mango & Almond Butter bath and body wash collection.

The result: The Tropical Moods SoundEscape. The SoundEscape is a playlist of tropical themed musical ambience to listen to while soaking in your tub. The playlist was purposely created to last “the length of your bath” so that you could experience it in its entirety. The idea was to have a Sound Escape during a time when none of us could physically escape to a tropical getaway.
With the Tropical Moods Soundscape, you can “escape” in the comfort of your own bathtub.
A Sensorial Perspective
To some, this may not be that impressive. “So Dove has a music playlist for me to listen to in my bath. So what?” Well dear readers, read on and I’ll explain.
The reason that this is impressive is because Dove has created a sensorial perspective that explores not just one of the senses but 4. This does not happen very often (or at all) in marketing campaigns. With the assistance of the playlist, you TOUCH the bubbles and the water. The aroma of mango and almond butter allow you to SMELL. The packaging allows you to SEE the mixture produces in the bath. You HEAR the carefully curated sounds of the tropics, and (potentially) you TASTE whatever water and bubbles may have made their way accidentally into your mouth.
To read Studio Resonate’s full write up on the project experience, click here.
We Are Sensorial Creatures
As humans, we are sensorial creatures. Unless we have an impediment in one or more of our senses, we experience ALL of our senses in ONE experience every time. Don’t believe me? Think about what you are experiencing right now.
You SEE the words on this page, you TOUCH your mouse as you scroll down, you HEAR the sounds of the environment you are in (ex. I hear the sound of cars outside my window), you TASTE whatever drink you’ve last drunk or food you’ve last ate, and you SMELL the aroma within your environment (ex. I smell the coffee in front of me).
A true human experience involves all five senses in one way or another.
Paying Closer Attention
After this, I hope that you will pay attention that much closer to your brand marketing and your day in general. What are you experiencing? What are others experiencing through your brand marketing? How can you best assist in your consumers sensorial perspective? Because if you do it right, you create a brand awareness that can’t be beat.
Related Articles on Sensory Marketing
For more on Sensory Marketing, check out:
How To Market Through Sound; COVID-19 and Beyond
Sound; An Interruption to Visual Marketing
Let’s Make Sound On Purpose
Excited to explore your brand soundscape? Dreamr Productions would love to help. Contact us today for more information.