David and Goliath is the penultimate underdog story. Transforming small business marketing to play “a new game”, gives them the advantage over Goliath businesses.
Marketing With Sound Strategy For The Win
Using audio touch points purposefully and creatively in marketing is another way to give the Davids of the world an opportunity to compete with their Goliath’s in a big way.
Audio in marketing is constantly changing, ever evolving, and seemingly irrelevant to a large conglomerate that have “bigger fish to fry”. The lack of primary focus on sound branding in corporate business can subsequently put small business at an advantage by taking it on and becoming victorious.
What Are Audio Touch Points in Marketing Anyway?
Immersive Audio Experiences
In the 80’s, the term audio touch points would have been referring to maybe a handful of things like TV and radio advertising, on hold music, and live event sound.
Then the 90’s came around and we got the internet and cell phones. Audio touch points increased their significance with ring tones and flash player websites.
The 2000’s and beyond have added audio in spades. There are now interactive ads, streaming radio, app sounds, online gaming, voice activation, voice assistance, and the list goes on.
Right this very instant somewhere on the other side of the world (or maybe in my neighbor’s garage) a new piece of technology is being invented that will need good and purposeful sound.
The power of sound is an incredible one.
Sound In Marketing helps level the playing field between small business and corporation marketing by giving smaller budgets an opportunity to shine.
A Purposeful Sound Marketing Scenario
Sound strategy (learning how to make sound in marketing purposefully) is how a small business from rural Wisconsin could compete with a big business like Target.
Don’t believe me?
Read on.
Here’s a (fictitious) scenario that I would love to see someone do something with.
Stan’s Fans is a small family run business. They decide that voice marketing is something of interest to them and they want to figure out how to utilize it to their advantage.
They write a short elevator pitch, a call to action, and a clever little tag line saying something like, “Stan your fan today.” Then they have Stan record it with their $99 USB Rode microphone.
They work with a 3rd party aggregator to develop an easy Alexa Skill app (it really is easier than it sounds), upload the recordings, and create a few more VO’s about local deals or events coming up, and then launch and promote.
They tell their current customers about it and ask them to share.
If Stan’s Fan’s voice SEO is good (and yes that is a thing), they could pop up in voice commerce in more ways than one; spreading the word in a new and unique way. And undoubtedly pulling in a new client or two that wouldn’t have known about them otherwise.
Potentially someone nowhere near Wisconsin and now Stan’s Fan’s goes national. Or maybe even global.
Now deciding whether or not to stock the shelves of Target is a conversation of preference rather than necessity. Stan may be able to skip that middle man now; putting more profit in his pocket and/or being able to increase fan production to fill more orders faster.
Finding New Marketing Sources To Unleash Creativity
Voice shopping is gaining traction now, just slightly under the radar to the average Joe. However, the amount of voice commerce purchasing has been more than doubling every year.
Small business should be plotting now on how to get in on voice commerce before everyone else catches on.
Stan’s Fans is only ONE scenario of MANY for how audio touch points can be used incredibly effectively.
Turning David Into The Goliath
David didn’t have all the fancy armor and weaponry that the rest of the Israelite army had. All he had were stones. Goliath was huge and intimidating and no one could fathom beating him without matching his defensive approach.
But even with all the same battle gear, the Israelite’s couldn’t beat him for the sole reason that he was a giant and seemingly indestructible!
Beeps and boops may seem like just tiny stones compared to a multi billion dollar marketing budget, but when the aim is true and the operator knows what they are doing, nothing else matters.